

small shops and boutiques through to supermarkets, garden centres and department stores

Knowing that time constraints are a huge factor within the retail sector, Westcotes Flooring understand the challenges and complexities of the fast track environment and occupied spaces. Having a wealth of experience we are committed to helping reducing our clients downtime. Through product specification we can create cost-saving initiatives and solutions that ensure a seamless and streamlined process from start to finish whilst creating a unique atmosphere.

Whether vinyl, wood, laminate, linoleum or carpet is required Westcotes Flooring have a product to suit each area of a retail environment which will create a uniqueness or convey and empower the individuals brand awareness which will leave a lasting impression.

From small individual boutiques to large chains and blue chip companies we can enhance the customer experience and embed your company’s personality by utilising a unique range of textures, shapes, and colours.

Case Studies

Nissan & Volvo Showroom