Health & Safety
The Directors regard the promotion of Health, Safety, Welfare, Employee Wellbeing and Environmental Protection as a mutual objective for the Company and its employees at all levels.
It is the Directors’ policy to do all that is reasonable to prevent personal injury and hazard to health by protecting persons including the public from foreseeable work and environmental hazards in so far as they come into contact with the Company or its work. The Directors recognise that there are legal and moral responsibilities on every person in the workplace to ensure a safe working environment and the principal need to endure that adequate and reliable resource, finances and allocation of company time are available to meet the company needs.
In particular the Directors will undertake to:
Provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, as is reasonably practical and comply with statutory Health & Safety requirements.
Adhere to appropriate local and national health & safety standards and ensure that this policy is carried out within the company.
Provide training, instruction, information and supervision to enable employees to perform their work safely.
Control emissions to the atmosphere and disposal of waste materials so as far as is reasonably practicable and comply with statutory environmental health legislation.
Assess the risks associated with substances used in the course of our business and advice on the Health & Safety precautions to be taken.
Provide necessary safety devices and personal protective equipment and provide instruction on their use.
Carry out regular inspections of the workplace and take appropriate action to safeguard against hazards and eliminate / reduce the risk of accidents.
Carry out audits to ensure the Company’s Health and Safety and Environmental Policies and Procedures are being complied with.
Maintain a constant and continuing awareness and interest in Health and Safety and Environmental matters.
Actively participate in developing occupational Health & Safety standards within the organisation and through involvement with external organisations.
Develop, plan and review the Company policies and procedures to meet our company need and expectations.